Friday, June 24, 2011

Laura's surgery day and missing my hunny...

Today was kind of a long day... lol worked 5:30am-8:30am and then immediately got in the car and drove an hour down to Butterfield to pick up Laura and then drive us both back up to Kato again to take her to ISJ to have her varicose vein surgery this morning. And this was a surgery they told us would take maybe 3 hours... so I was gonna go back home and shower and do whatever during her 3 hours... lol yeah 3 hours my ass! LOL I had barely gotten out of the shower, dressed and gotten my contacts in when the hospital called me and said Laura was out of surgery.. yeah.. she was done in an hour after going in LOL oh well it was fine..

After picking her up we went for dinner since she was STARVING lol and did some walking around for her and then headed back home and spent the rest of the day watching 27 Dresses and 21 Jumpstreet! HAHA yup... now I'm gonna be stuck on that series too! HAHA my own fault for agreeing to watch it cause Sara said so! LOL

Well that was it for the day.. lol now just back working on editing photos at my parents house for the weekend cause I'm supposed to go to an old elementary school friends wedding reception and dance tomorrow in Slayton.... See.. I really want to go cause I haven't seen this friend in years and I would enjoy getting to see her and her new life and I also love weddings and dances lol but here's where I'm torn.. I don't have anyone to go with... And I really really don't want to go by myself.... I always feel weird going somewhere by myself.. that and Slayton is a ways away from Mt Lake... So.. Here's where I'm really missing Garret... Now I know he doesn't really like weddings that much.. not like I do lol but I know he'd probably go with me if he were home... cause it was something I wanted to go to and important to me... but as we all know.. he's not here.... he can't be my wedding date tomorrow.. or for any of the other 2 or 3 weddings I have to go to this year.... sigh... So, I'm torn... not sure what to do... and no idea till later tomorrow what I will end up doing... sigh...

And just when one thing is depressing for you... there's always 5 or 6 or so other things to follow that make you sad... like my phone not working most of the day for me, my computer seeming like it's going to hell already too and I just bought it, I can't find a good job, and can't seem to get it right to get working on finding a better job, and also knowing that sleep tonight isn't gonna come any better than it has for the last 4 or 5 nights.... sigh... Garret I can't wait for you to at least come home for a few days... I need my bestie near by for just a lil while to make it all better like he always does... :'( not that things with him and I are ever easy either.. but he's always confidant and knows things will work out and does what he can to help make me feel better.... sigh...

Well... anyway... there's my day.. and my vent... maybe you'll hear later this weekend how tomorrow turned out...

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there sweetie....we are all here for you. If you ever need anything, please let me know, even if you want to just call and cry and make no sense at all.......I understand hun. On a good note....still up for pizza night monday? Let me know!
