Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 13: Friday, May 27th, 2011; Pizza night/girls night!

Today was the first pizza night with Alicia and Joleen without the men folk being involved so of course it also became girls night as well. It was soooo awesome lol

We had so much fun with each other and with Kora! We had pizza at Joleens like usual and were sitting around chatting and watching cars with Kora when we got the idea that ice cream was needed! Lol well guess what... we went down the road to Culvers then! Lol that was a blast! Kora was sooo frickin entertaining! Her new thing that she picked up there: "holy hannah, Mel!" Lol so cute and funny and she just kep repeating it and repeating it! Lol we also had a blast discussing photo sessions that were gonna do and all our crazy ideas for them and all the different location options for them! We're gonna keep busy and entertained with them!! Lol

After culvers we went back to Joleens and hung out and talked more about random fun stuff and was entertained more by Kora! It was such a good time and much deserved and needed even though tomorrow will be a very good day cuz my baby comes home for a few days!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!! =D

But these pizza/girls nights will have to happen often ladies!!!!! It will be something soooo much fun to look forward to and will definitely help the next year or so to fly by much faster! :)

My picture.. lol is me sitting at the railroad tracks not far from my house on the way to Joleens waiting for the train to go by... lol


  1. "WE" got the idea?...... The picture is at the railroad tracks? Is that a coincidence?

  2. Lol thought Someone else mentioned it before me lol guess not haha but no railroad tracks and picture.... not a coincidence at all now!! Lol
