Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 11 & 12: Wednesday & Thursday, May 25th & 26th, 2011; wives complaining.

So, again I missed my Posting yesterday lol go figure so I'm doubling it today to make up lol

Yesterday was good getting to go out with the military ladies in New Ulm. It was again very good to get to go out with them. Good to learn new details about the deployment and also meet new people who are involved with soldiers and who are going through the same things. It was a late night but very good.

Today was good... wrok though was something different though... while at work (McDonalds) we ended being really busy at one point and I was sent back to help roll buritos... and while back there I was able to hear the conversation that two ladies were having with each other and the conversation was about both of them complaining about ones husband and ones fiance either not helping out with chores at home or that they're men do chores but then complain about needing praise or wanting to be thanked for what they have done at home...

Now here's the thoughts that I ended up having after hearing all this coming from them... I was like seriously... maybe you guys should quit your complaining about your men and what they do or don't do or what they think they need to hear after the chores they do.. cuz guess what.. there's one of us here who would be grateful to just have her hubby home to let out with things at home or to complain about things we do or don't do. Now I know garret and I don't always see eye to eye or we fight or disagree on who should do what and when. And we've definitely complained about each not doing what the other wanted. But at this time that these two were complaining all I could think of was you two should be thankful that you get to be with your men and you get have each other around to do stuff together cuz I would love to have my baby home just to be with and do household chores and such together. I really wanted to blurt it out to them but kept it to myself... sorry if those two read this and don't like what I say. But its my blog and my opinion... some people won't ever know what its like to lose your love for a year and then learn to cherish all the little things and learn that some of the stupid complaining doesn't ever matter anymore compared to not even having them around... oh well..

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, you should have told them straight out. I agree with you a hundred percent. They should try to have there partner gone for a year and see what it does to them. Hang in there.
